OT: APRS igates needed in North Africa and Spain

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OT: APRS igates needed in North Africa and Spain

>From www.aprs.fi:

"An APRS-equipped high-altitude balloon, using the callsign K6RPT-11,
launched from San Jose, California, has almost crossed the Atlantic
Ocean, and is now passing Azores, and approaching North Africa. With a
little change in direction it could as well go to Spain or Portugal! It
was already a great success when it managed to travel to the east coast
of the US.

"There is a catch - it's transmitting on the US frequency of 144.390
MHz instead of the usual European frequency of 144.800 MHz. That's will
help reception, since 144.390 is very quiet around here, but we need
some igates in Morocco, Tenerife, Canaria, Spain and Portugal to
temporarily switch frequencies - and do it tonight!

"Please help spread the word, right now, tonight, amongst igate
operators around that area.

"There might be a very fun recovery operation ahead for some hams down

for more info and a link to the tracking data. The balloon will lose
GPS lock as darkness falls at its location, but could still be aloft.
Hopefully if it's still in the air at sunrise, there will be stations
within the footprint that can receive it.

I hope this helps get the word out.

"He is a dangerous mixture of sophistication and recklessness which
makes one anxious about his influence on other boys."

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