Found this while surfing for a PIC programmer this morning. It looks like
discontinued Caltek scopes. By my math, the 40 MHz and 60 MHz models are
going for half of their original list prices. See the links on
Model # Channels Bandwidth Probes List Price Sale Price
------- -------- --------- ------ ---------- ----------
8016* Single 10 MHz 1 $199 $150
8020A Dual 20 MHz 1 $399 $170
8040 Dual 40 MHz 1 $699 $340
8060 Dual 60 MHz 2 $849 $425
* The 10MHz model may no longer be available.
For comparison, Caltek's website (
shows their latest 20 MHz and 40 MHz ("90" series) models, but doesn't
mention list prices. FYI, a Froogle search for Caltek came up empty.
I don't know any more about this offer. I did purchase the 30 MHz dual
trace BK Precision scope mentioned in an earlier post. It came with a pair
of 1x / 10x switchable probes, which alone sell for $92. BTW, that scope is
now selling for $349, (see
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