OT: FCC Amateur Radio Database question

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OT: FCC Amateur Radio Database question

I have downloaded the FCC's Amateur Radio Database.  It came down as 1 ZIP'd
file and expanded into 9 dat files.  I would like to put it on a CD and use
ACCESS to search it but I need some info about the files and how they are
structured.  I used FTP and searched around on the FCC's drive but I wasn't
able to come up with any description of the database.  So I guess I am
asking if anyone has any info on how the database is laid out, how it is
delimited, how long the fields are, what info is in each of the files, and
stuff like that.  Can anyone help?

John   K7SVV

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Re: OT: FCC Amateur Radio Database question

David A. Belsley
John, just open the file in a text editor (such as BBEdit on the Mac or
any of a number of editors in Unix/Linex), and you will immediately see
its structure.  BBEdit has an advantage in that it allows you to
display all control characters as well.

best wishes,

dave belsley

On Jan 31, 2005, at 1:10 AM, John wrote:

> I have downloaded the FCC's Amateur Radio Database.  It came down as 1
> ZIP'd file and expanded into 9 dat files.  I would like to put it on a
> CD and use ACCESS to search it but I need some info about the files
> and how they are structured.  I used FTP and searched around on the
> FCC's drive but I wasn't able to come up with any description of the
> database.  So I guess I am asking if anyone has any info on how the
> database is laid out, how it is delimited, how long the fields are,
> what info is in each of the files, and stuff like that.  Can anyone
> help?
> --
> John   K7SVV
> --
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> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.2 - Release Date: 1/28/2005
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