I downloaded one of the daily files just to test(it was small).
After un-zipping them:
Rename EN.dat to EN.txt
Make a new empty DB in Access
Go to File/Get External Data/Import
(select "text files")
Load EN.txt
Click the "Delimited" button
Click "Advanced"
Change the Field Delimiter to "|" (shift backslash)
Mind you, I just did this out of curiosity. It should be enough to give you
a start.
Tom AK2B
John wrote
I have downloaded the FCC's Amateur Radio Database. It came down as 1 ZIP'd
file and expanded into 9 dat files. I would like to put it on a CD and use
ACCESS to search it but I need some info about the files and how they are
structured. I used FTP and searched around on the FCC's drive but I wasn't
able to come up with any description of the database. So I guess I am
asking if anyone has any info on how the database is laid out, how it is
delimited, how long the fields are, what info is in each of the files, and
stuff like that. Can anyone help?
John K7SVV
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