A number of Elecraft users downloaded the HFProp program I released a
year or so ago. This is just a note to say that I have recently released
a new version, 1.3, with several new features, including the ability to
download the solar data from WWV.
I'd also like to encourage those of you with websites to consider
joining the Amateur Radio Banner Exchange. This is a way to let more
people know about your ham radio site by displaying 468x60 pixel GIF
banner ads. I've already found a couple of interesting sites I didn't
know about this way. I know Elecraft has a nice animated GIF banner so
perhaps they'll join too. If you're interested, you can see banners at
the foot of most of my site's pages, and you can join the scheme by
clicking the link below the banner on my main page.
Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack:
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