A big thanks to all who took the time away from speculating when they
would win the KX3 lottery and receive their prize, to help me resolve
my dilemma, and overcome my procrastination.
The response was tremendous both on and off the reflector, and I was
greatly encouraged to learn of so many other hams with reduced
hearing abilities that have successfully coped with this
handicap. I feel that I've met some new friends and allies from
both far and near, although I doubt if any have convinced their
doctors to prescribe, so that the DMV will issue them a "Handicap"
parking permits for their vehicles, HI.
Several sent me articles and/or links with further information about
hearing aid techniques and use. Others have pointed out that COSTCO
(a big box warehouse store, at least in the west) has very good price
reductions for several name brands and models (including their
own). My wife has personally experienced their knowledgeable
audiologists and good service. So I presently have picked up their
literature and brochures and made an appointment to see her "man".
Again Thank You, GL es 73,
Chuck, W7CS
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