I am looking for a logging program to interface with FLDigi. Something
from which I can do batch (or auto) uploads to eQSL and LoTW. I have
used and am using HRD's Logbook, but HRD is bulky and busy and bloated
(no offense). In light of that, for the most part, HRD's Logger is easy
unless you have to manually put in stations you've worked.
I have been toying with the idea of using the DXLab suite of
applications, but I'm afraid I may run into the "bloated" problem
again. I realize it is modular and you only load that which you want to
use. However, I like some of the options it gives.
Keep in mind, if I contest at all, it is only as a casual contester. As
a matter of fact, I'm more likely to just go to the WARC bands on
contest weekends as to try and fight the contesters. So, I do not need
a fancy, whiz-bang application. However, I would like something that
will interface with FLDigi, will do batch uploads, and has some sort of
spotting function. It does not need to be geared toward the contester
and needs to be minimal cost (or free).
Joel - W4JBB
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