OT: Noise reducing earphones

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OT: Noise reducing earphones

Daniel Reynolds-2
Just a note that is slightly off topic:

For those of you looking for a way to reduce distractions while picking out
those weak signals from the ether. I picked up a set of passive noise reducing
ear 'plugs' made by Shure for about $100 from CompUSA (originally for my
palm/mp3 listening) and I'll have to admit, that they do a pretty incredible
job at knocking out environmental noise (my guess is in the range of 20-30 dB)
like a good pair of foam ear plugs. Also, the build quality on the cord, plug,
and Y are excellent with what appear to be solid strain relief.

For comparison, I do have a pair of 1st generation Bose 'quiet comfort'
headphones that are great for listening, and are excellent for low frequency
noise reduction (bus/airplane engines), but are susceptible to RFI (even after
using a couple chokes from RS to reduce RFI on the audio cord before the
circuit), but these newer ear plugs from Shure are about 1/3 the cost, have no
active circuit to be susceptible to RFI, and put no pressure on my ears or my
glasses. I've been able to comfortably wear the ear plugs for over 3 hours just
this morning while listening to music at work, and there is no discomfort to
speak of. Although my Field Day operation will be limited this year, these are
definately going to the field with me.

Just so you have an idea just how well these work - my wife was calling for me
in the house - and I had no idea she was looking for me until I 'saw' her come
through the door (with a less than pleasant look on her face). So - buyer
beware - these ear plugs might reduce too many environmental "distractions".

Daniel AA0NI
Oklahoma City
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