OT: [QMN] K6KPH Broadcast - Saturday 11/12/2005

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OT: [QMN] K6KPH Broadcast - Saturday 11/12/2005

Information recieved from RD at K6KPH station for this coming weekend

We begin the NREN broadcast on the frequencies listed at 1300pst/2100Z.
NREN has requested us to do the broadcast again this weekend but I'm not
sure if they will want us to do another on the following weekend.


Jim & All concerned NREN/EMCOMM...

The recent "test message" transmissions being provided by K6KPH have an
aspect to them that I find most useful...one that is simply not much
available anywhere else these days...save perhaps on the higher speed NTS CW

The messages are transmitted in perfect message form, making it ideal
practice for receiving operators to practice some message copying techniques
that are very important to master in third party message work.

You can practice copying each message on a single half sheet of paper.
you know...five words to a line in proper message form etc. Practice making
good legible written copy that you wouldn't be ashamed to show to someone

You can then progress to copying directly off the air onto a delivery copy
printed message blank (use a carbon under it, or two copy paper for your
"station copy").

If you type your message copy, you can lear! n how to roll a new blank into
the mill behind each one you copy on. (Might want to learn to do it with a
manual machine in case you can't use a computer or electric machine due to
no power!) Practice jotting the "service data" on each msg copy as you roll
it out of the mill.

If you get to the point where you can make perfect "delivery copy"
off the air onto a printed blank, one for each message, and do it at
30 WPM, you will be able to consider yourself a really proficient CW

The 30 and 20 WPM message practice by K6KPH is ideal for practicing the
"paper handling" techniques needed to make good received message copy.
Lets all try to make good use of it. You cannot find good practice such as
this anywhere else today


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