OT: soldering copper backed boards

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OT: soldering copper backed boards

I'm sure there are a lot of you that have more experience in building kits
than I.  I built a few heathkit projects.  That was some time ago obviously.
I've built a K1 and 2 as well.


I'm starting a project with two large boards that are solder masked on top
but copper clad on the back.  Is there anything I should do differently when
stuffing these boards?  Different than when I was working on my Elecraft
projects?  (teardrop shaped filets, clean the copper board, etc.?


It just seems funny to not see the solder "peek" through the top of the
board.  I've noticed that if I keep the solder to what I think is sufficient
amount, it's easy to not fill the hole that the lead comes through.  In
other words you can hold the board up to a light and see a little light.  If
there is anyone who might have a pic or two of what they think is a good
looking finished product on a board like this, I would appreciate seeing


Thanks for your comments/pics ahead of time.


Dohn  N8EWY


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