OT subjects

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OT subjects

Don Putnick
There's a way to get around all the OT stuff and not have it clog your mailbox. Set mail delivery to "off" and browse one the searchable daily web archives instead. You can still reply via email. Hmmm. What would happen if Elecraft turned mail delivery off for a week as an experiment?
Don NA6Z K3 #5495
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Re: OT subjects

I unsubscribed to the Elecraft net last fall because the noise on here was becoming untolerable.  There were so many "here's what happened to me", "I remember this was the way.. " and so on.  I need to learn about what is happening with the Elecraft line and not with soem protocol. I've been on the radio for over 50 years, mostly CW and been thru it.  Time to move on and get back to the Elecraft Line of equipment before i forget why i am on this list and dump it again.

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Re: OT subjects

Phil Kane-2
In reply to this post by Don Putnick
On 7/19/2011 4:06 PM, Don Putnick wrote:

> What would happen if Elecraft turned mail delivery off for a
> week as an experiment?

  My delete key would get rusty from disuse...  :-)

--  73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
    Elecraft K2/100   s/n 5402

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