Odd WWV and K3 frequency issue...

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Odd WWV and K3 frequency issue...

I have calibrated the TCXO using the WWV and Spot method outlined in the manual. It also agrees with my HP counter which is good to 10^-10 or so. I have also done the VCO calibration outlined in the manual which seems to have completed it to the satisfaction of the K3.
BUT, when I look at WWV on 10.000 MHz, the carrier is down about 70 Hz from the center point on the P3, and when I switch from USB to LSB, I can hear the 70 Hz on LSB and cannot hear it on USB of course because it's below my audio passband on USB. Any idea what causes this anomaly?
Just curious...I probably don't understand the K3's guts as well as I should.
Chuck, KE9UW