Older K2??

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Older K2??

Jeff Popa
Hello all, I am considering the purchase of an older K2 with a 1400's
serial number. It has the following options in it..... SSB, 160, NB,
Audio Filter / Clock, Battery, and probably a couple I've forgotten.
\My question is, with all of the updates made to the newer K2's, is
this a good purchase? The price should be around $700 or so. Supposedly
it looks new and works perfect. Can the DSP option be added? Can the
100W option be added? Any thoughts would be most appreciated by this
newbie..... Thanks so much for the help....
Jeff  WB8QYT  [hidden email]

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Re: Older K2??

David A. Belsley
   First, if you don't want to add the KPA100 right away, you really
needn't do anything if you don't want (and if the K2 is really working
just fine).  However, eventually you are going to want to take
advantage of some of the nice mods that have come along since 1400s
were made.  Go to the Elecraft webb page and download the A-to-B
modification document.  You will find there all the major mods that
will bring your K2, if you get it, up to more current standards.  Check
to see if any have already been made.  Assuming not, pick out the ones
that are either of clear interest to you or are necessary for add-ons
(like the KPA100) that you may want to make.  That will give you an
idea of what is ahead of you.  Some of them are necessary for the
KPA100.  As to the DSP option, I believe (and someone will surely
correct me if I'm wrong), that you can add it to your K2 as stands.

   Doing the A-to-B mods is going to be easier than building from anew,
but it is still going to involve some significant effort.  And you will
be working with a unit that is new to you, so it will be a more awkward
experience for you than for someone who has built the unit to begin
with.  Thus, were I you, I would seriously consider getting a new K2
and doing the build yourself.  Then you will automatically have all the
updates, and you will also have one of the greatest building
experiences, and all the fun and satisfaction that goes with it, that
you'll ever have in ham radio.

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy

On Feb 11, 2005, at 9:54 AM, Jeff Popa wrote:

> Hello all, I am considering the purchase of an older K2 with a 1400's
> serial number. It has the following options in it..... SSB, 160, NB,
> Audio Filter / Clock, Battery, and probably a couple I've forgotten.
> \My question is, with all of the updates made to the newer K2's, is
> this a good purchase? The price should be around $700 or so.
> Supposedly it looks new and works perfect. Can the DSP option be
> added? Can the 100W option be added? Any thoughts would be most
> appreciated by this newbie..... Thanks so much for the help....
> Jeff  WB8QYT  [hidden email]
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RE: Older K2??

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Jeff Popa

I will not comment on the value/price, but you can compare it with the price
of new kits.  Being an earlier serial number, consider the work you would
have to do to bring it up to level (assuming you would want to do that).
The prices for the A to B mod kit, firmware upgrades, and other mod kits
provided by Elecraft may be desired.  There is nothing wrong with the
performance of earlier serial number K2s, but if you want the latest level
(which you would get with a new kit), you may want to consider the cost of
upgrading into your calculations.

Certainly the KPA100 and the KDSP2 can be added.  There are mechanical
considerations though, the Audio Filter and the KDSP2 fit into the same
place, so you will lose the KAF2 if you put in the KDSP2.  Similarly, the
internal battery is mounted in the top cover and is displaced with the
installation of the KPA100 (although you can keep the QRP top cover with
battery around for portable QRP operation if you would like that).

All in all - it may be a good price or it may not be - it depends on your


> -----Original Message-----
> Hello all, I am considering the purchase of an older K2 with a 1400's
> serial number. It has the following options in it..... SSB, 160, NB,
> Audio Filter / Clock, Battery, and probably a couple I've forgotten.
> \My question is, with all of the updates made to the newer K2's, is
> this a good purchase? The price should be around $700 or so. Supposedly
> it looks new and works perfect. Can the DSP option be added? Can the
> 100W option be added? Any thoughts would be most appreciated by this
> newbie..... Thanks so much for the help....
> Jeff  WB8QYT  [hidden email]

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Re: Older K2??

In reply to this post by Jeff Popa
You will find even the oldest K2s are solid performers.
I'm still using my s/n 12 !  It is still stock, with none of the
upgrades installed yet.  I bought the upgrade kits, but
never got around to isntalling them.  Great little radio as
it stands, and works very well as a contest radio too.
I'd say go ahead and get the K2.  I can't see how you would regret it.
Good luyck and 73
Bob N6WG

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hello all, I am considering the purchase of an older K2 with a 1400's
> serial number. It has the following options in it..... SSB, 160, NB,
> Audio Filter / Clock, Battery, and probably a couple I've forgotten.
> \My question is, with all of the updates made to the newer K2's, is
> this a good purchase? The price should be around $700 or so. Supposedly
> it looks new and works perfect. Can the DSP option be added? Can the
> 100W option be added? Any thoughts would be most appreciated by this
> newbie..... Thanks so much for the help....
> Jeff WB8QYT [hidden email]
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Re: Older K2??

Mike B-12
In reply to this post by Jeff Popa
1400 an older serial #?  Young whipper snapper!

> Hello all, I am considering the purchase of an older K2 with a 1400's
> serial number.

Mike Boice, KW1ND  K2 # 185 (in the middle of "A to B" mods)
Karns, TN
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