Ooops -- think I fried the IF amp...

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Ooops -- think I fried the IF amp...

Ward Willats-3
Well, I finished the SSB adapter for my K2/100 tonight and slapped
in. All worked until I switched in the SSB filter then signals
dropped to almost nothing.

OK, problem in the filter, so I got out some wire and a cap and was
jumping the end of the SSB filter chain with the middle (and it did
seem there was a problem in the second half..)

Then without thinking I jumpered the first third of the chain at CD
to the xtal output jack at P3/J10 neatly bypassing the step-down of
T2 and slamming some nice voltage onto the main board and, I assume,
into the IF amp.

Signals were very loud for a moment though!

Now all the audio is gone in all modes -- CW, SSB..ack!

Is it worth banging around trying to chase this, or shall I just
embrace my shame and send the whole mess off to Elecraft?

-- Ward "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" / KG6HAF
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Re: Ooops -- think I fried the IF amp...

David A. Belsley
   It's definitely worthy your attempting further diagnostics and
attempts to fix.  The more you get into it, the further you will find
yourself able to go.  And it's always nice to know, in the back of your
mind, that Elecraft is there behind the scenes if necessary.  There are
good odds you'll be able to do the job yourself, perhaps with an e-mail
or a phone call to Gary, and it will be a nice feeling for sure.

best wishes, and the best of luck,

dave belsley, w1euy

On Sep 21, 2004, at 1:07 AM, Ward Willats wrote:

> Well, I finished the SSB adapter for my K2/100 tonight and slapped in.
> All worked until I switched in the SSB filter then signals dropped to
> almost nothing.
> OK, problem in the filter, so I got out some wire and a cap and was
> jumping the end of the SSB filter chain with the middle (and it did
> seem there was a problem in the second half..)
> Then without thinking I jumpered the first third of the chain at CD to
> the xtal output jack at P3/J10 neatly bypassing the step-down of T2
> and slamming some nice voltage onto the main board and, I assume, into
> the IF amp.
> Signals were very loud for a moment though!
> Now all the audio is gone in all modes -- CW, SSB..ack!
> Is it worth banging around trying to chase this, or shall I just
> embrace my shame and send the whole mess off to Elecraft?
> -- Ward "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" / KG6HAF
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Re: Ooops -- think I fried the IF amp...

Stuart Rohre
The way to approach a problem that extends over several stages is to "half
split" it.  That means you go half way into the circuit and monitor, for
normal operation.  Then, if that works move half way later in the chain of
circuits and so on, until you narrow down the problem to one stage.
Usually, that is the failure mode, one stage alone gets zapped and fails in
series with the signal chain.

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RE: Ooops -- think I fried the IF amp...

Ward Willats-3
In reply to this post by Ward Willats-3
Just wanted to thank the list for the MANY nice words of
encouragement and advice I have received via private e-mail and on
the reflector. I am sorting out my options now.

You all are really a great bunch of folks. My humble thanks.

-- Ward / KG6HAF
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