Operating in Rome,Italy... Pointers?

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Operating in Rome,Italy... Pointers?

Hi folks,

It looks like the K2 and I will get a free trip to Rome (the one in Italy) sometime soon courtesy of the employer.

I have never operated in Europe before and would like some insights and tips you might have.

I will have power (220 and 120 VAC) and some room for a small antenna on a rooftop at our location. I own a Shakespeare AT-1011U 32 foot vertical but it's heavy and clumsy to travel with and needs a substantial mount.  I can easily send some 20 foot crappie poles along and find a way to secure them. The K2 has the ATU installed so it will tune just about anything.

I'd appreciate technical tips, but I'm also desperate for operating advice.

I could be leaving in a few days or a few weeks. Please share what you know.

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Operating in Rome,Italy... Pointers?

Andrea Borgia
[hidden email] wrote:

> I'd appreciate technical tips, but I'm also desperate for operating
> advice.

For starters, here is a PDF document with the bandplan:
(Please note this is _not_ an official document, rather a compilation of
regulations, recommendations and just plain good advices)

Other than that, you should of course bring your own license (possibly
with some note to the effect that it is equivalent to CEPT TR/61-01
class 1) and identify yourself as I0/NY2LJ or such like (not sure about
the prefix, as we have I0, IK0 and IZ0 for class 1).

This assuming they let you board the plane with the K2 in the first
place... K2, C4, who knows the difference? ;-)

Andrea (in Bologna).

Homepage: http://andrea.borgia.bo.it     /    Amateur radio: IZ4FHT
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