Operating question - OT

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Operating question - OT

Tom McCulloch
  I was catching up on my reading and in going through the October issue of QST I found interest in the article which gave a history of transmitters, receivers, VFO's, transceivers, RIT, XIT, etc.  It was pretty neat to see about 30 or 40 years of evolution on one page.

  As I was reading, I developed an operating question in my mind, and I hope you don't mind if I pose it here, its probably pretty basic.

  I use a K2 as my primary rig (I guess this is not OT, after all --hi) and it is very stable, no complaints here.  My question has to do with the instance where the station I am working is drifting (obviously he doesn't have Elecraft rig!).  If this happens, should I move my vfo frequency to chase him, or should I continue to transmit on the same frequency and use the RIT to hear him?

  I guess another way to say this is, if his transmitted signal is drifting, is his receive signal also drifting and is so, by the same amount? (Assuming he has a transceiver, of some type and not a separate xmitter and receiver.

  Thanks for any insights you might provide.

K2 1103 (stable)
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Re: Operating question - OT


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 16:29:24 +0000
Subject: [Elecraft] Operating question - OT

where the station I am working is drifting (obviously he doesn't have Elecraft
rig!).  If this happens, should I move my vfo frequency to chase him, or should
I continue to transmit on the same frequency and use the RIT to hear him?

  I guess another way to say this is, if his transmitted signal is drifting, is
his receive signal also drifting and is so, by the same amount? (Assuming he has
a transceiver, of some type and not a separate xmitter and receiver.

Best bet is to use RIT to follow him. Here's why:
You can't be sure why the other guy's QRG is wandering around. It could be his
transmitter, receiver, or both. Or maybe he bumped the tuning knob, or maybe something else.
You don't know if his receiver is wandering too, or just the transmitted signal. If you retune with
 the main tuning knob, you will wander too, and he will readjust to find you, and pretty soon
the both of you may wind up kHz from where you started.
This sort of thing used to be pretty common back in the early days of transceivers, and it
wasn't always due to drift. What would happen is that station A would call CQ and station B
would tune in A so that A "sounded right", and would answer - which may or may not have been
dead-on-zeroed. Then A would adjust *his* rig so B "sounded right" - which would
then not sound right to B, who would retune...etc.  
73 de Jim, N2EY
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