Opinions On K2 Sales Price

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Opinions On K2 Sales Price

Philip Westover
I've thinking about selling my K2 s/n 2690, that has a K160RX module and a KAT2 tuner.  The rig is in excellent shape with zero blemishes, with all manuals.  I've had a lot of kit-building experience, and this one is in fine working order.

I'm just cleaning up a few things for now, and I will be building another K2 in the near future.

Got any ideas of a good price range I should offer this at?

Phil Westover, WA7URV
K1 #220
K2 #2690
KX1 #219
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RE: Opinions On K2 Sales Price

Craig Rairdin
One good source is eBay.

K2 #568 with KSB2, K160RX, KAT2, KIO2, KBT2, and KNB2 and firmare 2.01 went
for $650. The auction ended early because the buyer took advantage of the
seller's "buy it now" price. It probably could have sold for more given that
it sold in less than a day at that price.

K2 #1417 with KSB2, K160RX, KAT2, KBT2, and KAF2 with version 2 firmware
went at auction for $860. There were four people bidding on it with the
first serious bid at $750 -- another reason to believe #568 could have sold
for more than $650.

eBay only archives 30 days of completed items I think... Could be 60 days.
If you watched over time you'd get a better idea. Maybe someone here keeps
track of such things.

I suggest selling on eBay rather than offering it for sale directly. My
experience is you get a better price. I got $35 for an aviation calculator
that you can buy new for $60. I would have sold it for $20 to anyone who

K1 #1966

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Philip Westover
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 8:02 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Opinions On K2 Sales Price

I've thinking about selling my K2 s/n 2690, that has a K160RX module and a
KAT2 tuner.  The rig is in excellent shape with zero blemishes, with all
manuals.  I've had a lot of kit-building experience, and this one is in fine
working order.

I'm just cleaning up a few things for now, and I will be building another K2
in the near future.

Got any ideas of a good price range I should offer this at?

Phil Westover, WA7URV
K1 #220
K2 #2690
KX1 #219
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RE: Opinions On K2 Sales Price

Thom LaCosta
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Craig Rairdin wrote:

> I suggest selling on eBay rather than offering it for sale directly. My
> experience is you get a better price. I got $35 for an aviation calculator
> that you can buy new for $60. I would have sold it for $20 to anyone who
> asked.

How times have changed...I can remember buying and selling things at hamfests
for low prices...and even giving rigs away to newbees.

I understand that there are folks interested in boat anchors who are very active
in NOT seeing them sold on Ebay.

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RE: Opinions On K2 Sales Price

Craig Rairdin
>> I suggest selling on eBay rather than offering it for sale directly. My
>> experience is you get a better price. I got $35 for an aviation
>> that you can buy new for $60. I would have sold it for $20 to anyone who
>> asked.

>How times have changed...I can remember buying and selling things at
>for low prices...and even giving rigs away to newbees.

>I understand that there are folks interested in boat anchors who are very
>in NOT seeing them sold on Ebay.

I don't completely understand your reply. There's obviously some kind of
hidden attitude or message in there somewhere that I'm not in tune with,
perhaps ignited by the greediness implied by my message.

So all greed aside, suffice to say that eBay gives you broader exposure to
more buyers than an ad in the local ham club newsletter or a post here on
the reflector. If that means you get a better price, that's good. If it
means someone is able to buy it who wouldn't otherwise know about how cool
Elecraft equipment is, that's good. At the same time, since it's an auction
format nobody has to pay more than they want to to get it. The buyer will
get it for the lowest price that is possible given the pool of ready buyers,
and the seller will get the highest price possible given that same pool of

But if you're like Thom and would rather give away your K2 to some
11-year-old who can't afford a radio, then you won't hear any arguments here
(although I do have an 11-year-old....). :-)

Hey wish me luck. I take the Extra class exam tonight. Gotta pick up those
three additional 25KHz chunks that are currently unusable on my K1. :-)

K1 #1966

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