Orderd a T! and serial interface. Input wantedon DSPmodule.

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Orderd a T! and serial interface. Input wantedon DSPmodule.

I am glad a 100W test was conducted.  It is in high SWR that a tuner  shows
its true colors.
  Take this other companies record. We all know this company. I would  say
all hams have owned one of their skimpy tuner/watt/swr/dummy load all in  ones.
They are infamouse for parts not firmly in place.(HAVE I GIVEN ENOUGH  HINTS
:)I !)
  They rate their tuner at 300W. I fried 2 of them with 100-200W. The  300W
dummy load     To make a long story short, many have  found that it will handle
300W with a flat SWR.
The tuner should really be rated at 150W (3:1 SWR.)
  I feel good that the T1 can handle bursts of 100W. It means the  tuner is
over built.
It means I can tune at 15W. I do not have to worry about a 3:1 SWR  
saturating a toroid..
  My K2 is stuffed with Laptop PC lithium cells. I have 72 Watt-Hours  under
the hood.
    So the external tuner fits the bill. I am considering  weather proofing a
T! and place it at antenna. I would use lic. free RX/TX links  for control.
   I also ordered the PC interface. Someone asked me could I not  use a PC to
process the mic audio, so it will have a wave shape that looks  like it had
10db of RF compression.
Wow that is some very heavy fourier analysis work!
  The serial port...Is there software that gives extended control of  the K2.
 I would like accurate control of the BFO. This would give me some  type of
 How difficult is building the DSP module.I see the A/D D/A board is  
How about the rest of the DSP.I see there is a larger board under the  
a/d;;d/a board
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Re: Orderd a T! and serial interface. Input wantedon DSPmodule.

>  How difficult is building the DSP module.I see the A/D D/A board is  
> built.Excellent!
> How about the rest of the DSP.I see there is a larger board under the  
> a/d;;d/a board

Consider downloading the KDSP2 manual from the Elecraft website and
looking it over. The kit portion is pretty straightforward; the DSP
module is pre-assembled and just plugs in.


Lyl e KK7P

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