OxyRide Batteries in the US

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OxyRide Batteries in the US

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
Here is the first US review of the pending release of Panasonic OxyRide
ZR6Y batteries in the US.  Bonnie KQ6XA encountered these batteries in
Japan and brought them to our attention.  They claim to give near the
performance of Lithium 1.5v primary cells at only 10% cost premium over
standard alkalines. They start out at about 1.66v and weight 23g.


It will be fun to try them in the KX1 instead of the more expensive
Lithium primary cells.

Here is the technical data in English, including discharge curves:

See http://national.jp/product/conveni/battery/oxyride/ for the Japanese
consumer site.

Leigh / WA5ZNU

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Re: OxyRide Batteries in the US

Gregory P. Daly
They only appear to be a little more than 1/3 the capacity of the
Eveready L91 lithium cells


The chart on the second page of the Panasonic data sheet seems to
indicate that at 1000 ma load, the cells drop to 1 volt after a little
more than an hour, the L91 cells claim over 3 hours. The lithium cells
claim 3000 mAH at 200 ma, and are rated for 2 amps continuous current.
The Eveready cells also claim much better low temperature performance,
down to -40 C, the Panasonic cells only claim to be useful to -10 C. The
Panasonic cells are much heavier too, 23 grams vs. 14 grams.

They may be better than Eveready alkaline cells


But not that much... The alkaline cells claim to be 2850 mAh, at 25ma
and the chart says about 1 AH at 1 amp, the same as the OxyRide cells

I hate to spend $3 each for lithium cells, but I don't think these
Panasonic cells are what we thought. I'm willing to pay for 3X the
capacity at high current (think transmitter, they all have good capacity
at receive current levels) and a lot lighter.....

Years ago, a few grams of extra backpack mass wasn't a big deal, but now
I'm willing to pay to conserve a few drops of sweat!

Unless I'm missing something in the data sheets, there's nothing to see
her, move along ;-)



On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 14:44 -0800, Leigh L Klotz, Jr. wrote:

> Here is the first US review of the pending release of Panasonic OxyRide
> ZR6Y batteries in the US.  Bonnie KQ6XA encountered these batteries in
> Japan and brought them to our attention.  They claim to give near the
> performance of Lithium 1.5v primary cells at only 10% cost premium over
> standard alkalines. They start out at about 1.66v and weight 23g.
> http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,119723,00.asp
> It will be fun to try them in the KX1 instead of the more expensive
> Lithium primary cells.
> Here is the technical data in English, including discharge curves:
>   http://industrial.panasonic.com/www-data/pdf/AAC4000/AAC4000CE3.pdf
> See http://national.jp/product/conveni/battery/oxyride/ for the Japanese
> consumer site.
> Leigh / WA5ZNU
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Re: OxyRide Batteries in the US

wayne burdick

On Mar 1, 2005, at 7:28 PM, Gregory P. Daly wrote:

> They may be better than Eveready alkaline cells
> http://data.energizer.com/PDFs/e91.pdf
> But not that much...

What the world needs is a safe, rechargeable lithium AA, or a 1.5-V
NiMH cell  ;)




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