P3 Encoder button question

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P3 Encoder button question

Gary Smith-2
I may have some wear on my encoder button
in the P3. The encoder itself seems fine,
when I rotate it, it performs perfectly.
When I push on it, often the marker does
not move or, it moves the frequency part
way. If I hold the knob and apply a little
downward pressure when pushing it usually
works. This leads me to think the switch
has an issue.

Because this happens often but not
continuously, I don't think it has
anything to do with the logic circuitry
and the downward pressure usually does the
trick. It seems mechanical in origin.

I thought I might spray Deoxit to help
with the contact if build-up on it is the
issue but I don't know how that might
affect the encoder function. I should open
the case and assure the solder connections
are intact.

Before contacting Elecraft for a new
encoder, has anyone had this issue and
resolved it?

Thanks & Happy New Year to us all,


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