P3 FW Error

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P3 FW Error

John Klewer
Attempting load of latest P3 FW and get an immediate error message

"ERROR: Bad character in BIN file"

Latest P3 utility (Mac version indicated latest versions available
for sending to the P3 in agreement with the Elecraft site

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance


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Re: P3 FW Error

Dick Dievendorff
Delete the firmware file you have and fetch it again from the Elecraft file
server by pressing the "Copy Files from Elecraft" button on the firmware
You might want to view it in the Mac equivalent of Notepad to see what you

The file is supposed to contain characters like 0-9 and A-F, colons in the
first column of each line and CR and LF charactersr.  This error message
says something else was discovered.

73 de Dick, K6KR

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Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 1:18 PM
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Subject: [Elecraft] P3 FW Error

Attempting load of latest P3 FW and get an immediate error message

"ERROR: Bad character in BIN file"

Latest P3 utility (Mac version indicated latest versions
available for sending to the P3 in agreement with the Elecraft site

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance


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