P3 Keyboard

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P3 Keyboard

John Ragle

     I see that this discussion has run through several cycles on the
reflector since my original response. Thanks for the suggestion that we
get together on the phone, but I think it is better if I give you my
*/overall reaction/* to the idea of a keyboard accessory for the P3,
rather than run through a bunch of possibilities.

     I have been licensed since 1946. In that time, equipment has surely
run a considerable gamut! Most recently, and in that order, I have
owned/used a K2/100, a Flex 3000, and my current K3/100+P3.
Additionally, I have been "in computing" since the late 1950's, and into
micros since about 1978/1979, using Apple, Tandy, Digital, and Microsoft

     My firmest contention is that a good general-purpose computer  is a
very significant portion of the modern amateur radio installation. I
view my K3/P3 as accessories to my computers, not contrariwise. I think
that a clear majority of licensees hold the same opinion, though there
are evidently very significant numbers of ops who still separate the two
types of equipment in their minds.

     The one place where I see importance in the radio part of my
equipment is in the P3's ability to scan large bandwidths...compared to
e.g. "Spectravue" or other material that can only field a Nyquist
frequency of "several" kHz.

     In my digital operation, I make no use at all of the built-in
capabilities of the K3...I use a program running on the PC feeding a
SignaLink box which feeds the line-in of the K3. Decoding for all
digital modes is done by the program on the PC. In my case, I use FLDIGI
and its impressive list of supported digital modes, together with FLRIG
to provide "CAT" control of the K3. About the only functions on the K3
front panel that I use are XFIL and the SHIFT LO-CUT-HI WIDTH controls,
along with the SPEED setting (I do use the keyer in the K3). Many of the
day-to-day controls are available through FLRIG. Of course, both FLDIGI
and FLRIG are freeware and are actively maintained for several
platforms, e.g. WIN, LINUX, etc. I use either WIN7 or LINUX, depending
on which OS I've booted to (usually WIN7 because of the paucity of apps
for LINUX).

     In accordance with this long list of my own personal prejudices, I
see items like a keyboard for the P3 as retrograde. I could scarcely
find room on my desk for yet another keyboard. Brag tapes and keyboard
macros are already fully (and even excessively) implemented in FLDIGI,
and with the screen capture machinery on my PC, I pay little attention
to the P3 front panel itself. I have mentioned to Dave (W1HKJ) that it
might be nice to have a few P3 commands available in FLRIG, and he
concurs, though I suspect this matter is not high on his priority list.
I have never used the terminal capabilities of either the K3 or P3

     Good luck with your endeavors.

John Ragle -- W1ZI


On 5/21/2012 2:20 PM, Paul Saffren wrote:

> <snip>The initial release of USB keyboard for the SVGA/P3 will have a
> similar interface as the terminal in the K3 utility.   I've already
> promised to implement K3 keyboard macros and brag files.  Probably
> something like F1-F12 will be brag files, Shift-F1-F12 will be K3
> macros.  The macros and brag files will be edited on the P3/SVGA with
> the keyboard and initially without any computer needed.   I'll bet you
> have a lot of ideas, can you just give me a call, it would be easier
> than writing it all down in emails etc.   My phone number is
> 831-763-4211 ext 122 .  Or I can call you if that would be easier,
> just give me your number.</snip>
> 73,
> Paul
> On 5/21/2012 10:31 AM, John Ragle wrote:
>> <snip> ...read your query to David Fine "Do you currently run much
>> data and if so, what mode?" Here's my position:
>> 1. I run BPSKxx where xx is usually 31 but often 63 or higher if
>> there is a "client." I also run almost all the other modes that
>> FLDIGI will handle, usually secondarily RTTY, olivia, etc. etc.
>> 2. I run the P3 screen "windowed" on my main computer, using
>> AVerMedia hard/software, where it can occupy as much or as little of
>> my 24" monitor as desired.
>> 3. When I run CW it is all manual/aural. (When I run SSB (mostly on
>> VHF/UHF) it is again with a mic/speaker in the normal way.)
>> 4. If I were to use a keyboard with the K3/P3 combo, it would still
>> be with a computer in the loop. The screen on the P3 is just too
>> small to be of much use for alphanumeric stuff, and using the K3
>> screen for this purpose is a poor joke. Moreover, my P3 is located
>> several feet away from the operating position, which is in front of
>> the computer, not in front of the RF hardware. Still, however, if the
>> P3 were to become solo standing, the keyboard & its decoding software
>> might be of some considerable interest, as it would make the "shack"
>> stuff more independent of the real world (my computers are in
>> constant use for other things).
>> 5. I've never seen any sort of projected specs for a "USB keyboard
>> option for the P3" as you call it. Is there a wish list or spec
>> list?</snip>
>> John Ragle -- W1ZI
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