P3, RS-232 and Logging Software

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P3, RS-232 and Logging Software

Chuck Stover

I just introduced at P3 and KPA500 to my K3 station and have a little glitch that I have been unable to solve.

I used a logging program called nGenLog which has played very well with the K3 and SteppIR SDA 100 antenna controller prior to adding the P3 to the mix.  What is happening is at what seems to be random intervals (anywhere from a seconds to 20 minutes or more) and not tied to any specific event the logging software disconnects from the rig giving an error message that it could not communicate with the K3 and to check the settings.  Of course I can no longer control the rig with the software, get freq. band or mode information back to the logger and the SteppIR controller no longer autotracks frequency.  If I power down the P3 the logging program will stay connected and all works fine.  The frequency of disconnects seem less with the host baud rate set at 9600.

The RS232 connections go like this.  From the computer USB via a KUSB adapter to a straight through Y connector (not a null modem) to the PC port on the P3.  The SteppIR SDA 100 is connected to the other leg of the Y.
>From the P3 I am using the supplied cable from the P3 XCVR port to the K3 RS232 port.  From the K3 via the ACC port to the KPA500 AUX port.  The K3, P3 and KPA all talk to each other like they should.

Has anyone else run into something like this?  Any fixes?  Ideas?


73,  Chuck K4QS
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