P3-SVGA Programming bug

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P3-SVGA Programming bug

I came across a bug which will most likely put my efforts for a windows p3 application on hold:  It concerns the markers.  I first found this in my program itself, but I can reproduce it with RealTerm which is an async terminal program.
Basically, when it works  it goes like this: (I alternate the frequencies manually to show an effect)

I enable the marker: #MKA1;
The correct marker frequency shows up on both the SVGA and P3.

I then issue a #MFA+00018100000; (for an example)
This shows up on both displays
I then issue a #QSY1; which is supposed to put the K3 at the marker frequency.
I then issue a #MKA0; and the markers turn off

This works 3 maybe 4 sometimes 8 times then the following happens:

I enable the marker: #MKA1;
The correct marker frequency shows up on both the SVGA and P3.

I then issue a #MFA+00018100000; (for an example)
This shows up on both displays

I then issue a #QSY1 and now things change drastically.

The SVGA screen shows the marker frequency as the original frequency before the #MFA+00018100000
The P3 Screen shows MRK A: 0 (not the frequency)
and the frequency does not change.
When the #MKA0 is issued, the P3 marker is gone, but the " MKA Frequency" text on the P3 remains.

At this point, it seems to never get better, unless I fiddle with the controls on the P3 itself.

Any ideas of a work around?  It's really too bad, I'm almost set to go.

Thanks for any help.
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Re: P3-SVGA Programming bug

Found a work around.  Instead of #QSY1 I issue a FA + frequency to the k3.  Works the same.
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Re: P3-SVGA Programming bug


You could also use the commands #MFA 0 and #MFB 0, which, according the
programmer's guide will set the markers to the K3 frequency on the corresponding

Did you try that?

Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
ARRL Lifetime Member
QCWA Lifetime Member

On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 22:19:21 -0700 (PDT), tomb18 <[hidden email]> wrote:

>Found a work around.  Instead of #QSY1 I issue a FA + frequency to the k3.
>Works the same.
Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
ARRL Lifetime Member
QCWA Lifetime Member

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