I see in my digest message that nobody responded yet, so I'll jump in.
There was a schematic in the manual when I got mine, and well as specs.
The manual is also available online in the manuals section of the
website. P3 is designed to be connected to the IF output of the K3. The
levels there are comparable to the antenna signals when the K3 preamp is on.
Larry N8LP
On 11/27/2011 12:00 PM,
[hidden email] wrote:
> Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 09:02:24 -0800 (PST)
> From: Ken Roberson<
[hidden email]>
> Subject: [Elecraft] P3 Schematic
> To: Elecraft Elecraft<
[hidden email]>
> Message-ID:
> <
[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hello All,
> Looked through all my stuff and on Elecraft web site
> and can not find the P3 schematic or spec.
> Would like to know how much signal for input.
> A little help please
> 73 Ken K5DNL
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