P3 inverted tuning

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P3 inverted tuning

I have a frutrating issue with my K3/P3 combination.  I installed the latest P3 firmware: Now when I turn up in frequency, the cursor goes from r to left even though the indicated frequency on the P3 is corrected.  I have reinstalled all the firware for the K3 and P3, but no improvement.  This did not occur with the previous firware for the P3; I would like to downgrade firware if there is no way to fix this, but can not find the previous P3 firware.  I have tried all sorts of settings on both the K3 and P3, but no change.  Am I missing something? Tnx to all!
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Re: P3 inverted tuning

Paul Saffren N6HZ

Thank you for emailing me that you were able to resolve the problem by performing a parameter reset of the P3.  Please feel to contact me directly should you have any questions or concerns.

