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Installed my P3SVGA and have two things that I need help with. 1st I have a new monitor 23" Acer HD-1080P. The P3 in 1920 x 1080 mode will not fit the screen (too large) I have to run in the 1440 x 900 mode to fit the screen. The 2nd issue I have is the S reading on my K3 does not match the reading on the P3. A S9 on the K3 shows about S4.5 on the P3. Ideas?
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[hidden email],

First calibrate the K3 S-Meter per:
K3 Ownwer's Manual Version D9, page 51, S-Meter and RF GAIN Control

Then calibrate the P3 per:
P3 Owner's Manual, page 24, Calibration Procedures.

Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
ARRL Lifetime Member
QCWA Lifetime Member

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On Thu, 22 Mar 2012 09:45:00 +0000 (UTC), [hidden email] wrote:

>The 2nd issue I have is the S reading on my K3 does not match the reading on the P3. A S9 on the K3 shows about S4.5 on the P3. Ideas?

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Amateur Radio Operator N5GE
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Mike K2MK
In reply to this post by radiobuf

If your monitor has a native resolution that is not one of the selections on the P3 menu you should contact Elecraft support and they will consider adding it to the list in a future firmware revision. This matter was discussed extensively when the SVGA was first announced. So your problem should only be temporary.

Regarding the amplitude differences between the K3 and P3, please remember that both the K3 and P3 require calibration. A signal source like the XG2 is needed to perform this procedure. The steps are described in the manuals on the following pages:
K3 manual page 51 (S meter calibration)
P3 manual pages 24 and 25 (amplitude calibration)

If you don't have a signal source and you feel comfortable that the K3 is correct, you can probably manually adjust the P3 to equal the K3 and consider that adequate.

Mike K2MK

radiobuf wrote
Installed my P3SVGA and have two things that I need help with. 1st I have a new monitor 23" Acer HD-1080P. The P3 in 1920 x 1080 mode will not fit the screen (too large) I have to run in the 1440 x 900 mode to fit the screen. The 2nd issue I have is the S reading on my K3 does not match the reading on the P3. A S9 on the K3 shows about S4.5 on the P3. Ideas?
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Rick Prather-2
In reply to this post by radiobuf
1080 overflows my 1080P monitor also.  I don't understand why but if you look in the Errata sheet they recommend 1440 x 900 anyway and claim it updates faster.  Mine works fine in 1440 x 900 and looks great so I am not going to worry about 1280 x 1080.


On 3/22/2012, at 2:45 , [hidden email] wrote:

> Installed my P3SVGA and have two things that I need help with. 1st I have a new monitor 23" Acer HD-1080P. The P3 in 1920 x 1080 mode will not fit the screen (too large) I have to run in the 1440 x 900 mode to fit the screen. The 2nd issue I have is the S reading on my K3 does not match the reading on the P3. A S9 on the K3 shows about S4.5 on the P3. Ideas?
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