I recently had the following problem with the PLL Reference Oscillator:
When the circuit was oscillating I could see it on a scope at the source of
Q19 and at the junction of RFC14 and R20. When it is oscillating (after
pushing Band-) the voltage is about 1.3 volts (at RFC14 and R20) and changes
to 2.6 volts when Band+ is pushed and then stops oscillating.
The source of the problem turned out to be the wrong core used for RFC14.
I am posting this problem and cure so that if someone else has a similar
problem they will be able to find it here on the reflector with a simple
I would like to thank Gary, AB7MY, for his help. I would imagine that Gary
is such an asset to Elecraft that they reward him by bringing him to work in
a stretch limousine and provide him with a scantily clad masseuse for a post
lunch massage to ease the stress from dealing with morons like myself.
Tom, AK2B
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