PSK , VOX and the K-2

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PSK , VOX and the K-2

K6IA-Howard Stephenson
Has anyone had any luck using the vox to key the K-2
on PSK? I find that it takes a very high audio output
from my sound card and vox does not key reliably. I'm
using an Radio Shack isolation transformer, 100k
resistor in the audio line with a 1k pad resistor to
the mic ground. This same set up works fine with my
Any help would be approached.
Howard Stephenson K6IA

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Re: PSK , VOX and the K-2

Don Wilhelm-3

The K2 VOX does not work very well with PSK31, if your audio input is set
high enough to trip the VOX, that level will be overdriving for data
(splatter and poor IMD will result)  - PTT control of tranxmit is much
preferred, and all it takes is a simple transistor and a couple resistors
connected to the proper serial interface pins.  The documentation for many
PSK31 programs have the instructions required.

If you really need to use VOX for PSK31, you may want to modify the VOX
sensitivity by allowing a small bit of compression during receive - see 
(the part labeled 'c)' is that part you are interested.


----- Original Message -----

> Has anyone had any luck using the vox to key the K-2
> on PSK? I find that it takes a very high audio output
> from my sound card and vox does not key reliably. I'm
> using an Radio Shack isolation transformer, 100k
> resistor in the audio line with a 1k pad resistor to
> the mic ground. This same set up works fine with my
> IC-735.
> Any help would be approached.
> 73
> Howard Stephenson K6IA

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