PSK connections

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PSK connections

How are people conecting the KX 3 for this? The utility terminal mode is cumbersome and has no spectrum display. With Digipan, a regular 3 ring phono plug from the laptop earphone outpt to rig mic input seems to key the xmitter on constantly. How should this be wired? Does it need a TNC or does the rig do it. Thanks.
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Re: PSK connections

Philip G0ISW
Just started today to link my laptop computer to my Elecraft KX-3 (S/N 2641) for use with amateur radio PSK31 software programmes.

Have successfuly linked 'KComm' and 'Ham Radio Deluxe' both with receive audio and CAT control working, however like you when I also connect directly (using standard PC audio leads) from the laptop headphone audio out socket to the KX-3 microphone input socket the KX-3 radio enters TX immediately.

I haven't figured out a way to overcome this yet, looking at the Elecraft 'cable set' they too use similar 3.5mm straight cables, so I can only assume they are wired slightly differently.


Philip G0ISW