Greetings Elecrafters:
I' m Joe, K4NVJ and currently in the process of constructing K2 #4155. Everything is going smoothly so far. Just one quick question. Installation of RFC13 calls for mounting the first color band to the left. Are they referring to the first band of the value designator, in this case "brown" which would place the gold band over the heavy band (vice the 3 lighter ones)? I'm sure this question has been raised before but I don't recall the answer so just want to be sure. Appreciate your assistance. 73, Joe K1#764 K2#4155 (uco) _______________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Post to: [hidden email] You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page: |
I think the idea is to install all of the resistors and inductors so the value reads the same way. This makes it easier to read the values when looking at the board. It does not matter which way they read as long as they are the same way. I like left to right when looking at the board from the front and left to right when looking from the left side for the parts that mount perpendicular. Don Brown KD5NDB ----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Ford<mailto:[hidden email]> To: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]> Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 9:10 PM Subject: [Elecraft] Parts mounting clarification Greetings Elecrafters: I' m Joe, K4NVJ and currently in the process of constructing K2 #4155. Everything is going smoothly so far. Just one quick question. Installation of RFC13 calls for mounting the first color band to the left. Are they referring to the first band of the value designator, in this case "brown" which would place the gold band over the heavy band (vice the 3 lighter ones)? I'm sure this question has been raised before but I don't recall the answer so just want to be sure. Appreciate your assistance. 73, Joe K1#764 K2#4155 (uco) _______________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Post to: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]> You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):<> Help:<> Elecraft web page:<> _______________________________________________ Elecraft mailing list Post to: [hidden email] You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page: |
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