Places to fit additions to K2

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Places to fit additions to K2

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
Hi Tom,

Have been doing some idle thinking (global thinking if you don't mind) about
the installation of new bibs and bobs into the K2 - such as the zero beat
indicator. Seems to me that the beast is growing like topsy with a lot of
little pcbs and probably a lot of messy interconnections, and RFI problems
due to various pulses all wanting to get into the act (as Vic pointed out).
I wonder if some housekeeping might help.

It seems to me that a new wall to wall horizontal  double sided "mother
board" on which the bibs and bobs could be mounted might help, OR perhaps
better two vertical double sided "mother boards" , one on the inside of each
of the two cabinet side plates, might be a start. At least the "all the
time" inputs such as basic DC need only have to be interfaced once for a
number of extra gizmos. It would also make better use , I think, of
available space and control the dimensions of the added pcbs. Sod's Law
clause 13 always strikes when adding bits helter skelter.

LET OUT CLAUSE : This is shower/ bathtub thinking. I need to open up K2 to
get some idea of available headroom etc etc. Possible obstruction to cooling
airflow must be considered, likewise accessibility especially for "in situ"

This might be a non-starter, but you can have another coffee (or two) if you
want to. Expresso is the wine of thought.


Geoff      GM4ESD

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