Plastic Insulators and Kevlar string.

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Plastic Insulators and Kevlar string.

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
Hi Martin,

A postscipt to our discussion. If you use that .075 inch dia Kevlar string
with black plastic dogbone insulators, for example to tether the ends of an
inverted V dipole, cover the Kevlar at the insulator with a bit of large OD
small ID non-metallic tough flexible tubing. Otherwise the Kevlar saws
through the insulator in no time. In theory, passing the Kevlar through the
insulator a few times before tying off should also help. But both methods
just postpone judgement day. I have used small stainless steel shackles in a
bridle configuration with success, taping them so that they do not rotate a
lot (plan view). Our winter temperatures are not low enough to make
differential expansion an issue.


Geoff     GM4ESD

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