Polar Bear Moonlight Madness on Again!-- March 25th -- Worm Moon -- WA3WSJ

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Polar Bear Moonlight Madness on Again!-- March 25th -- Worm Moon -- WA3WSJ

Edward R. Breneiser-2
Hello all,

Back by popular request-  March Polar Bear Moonlight Madness! We had so
many ops say they missed us up on Pulpit Rock on the AT that we have
decided to run one more Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Event this year.
These are the Polar Bears on board to date: NK8Q, K3YTR and WA3WSJ. If
any other ops would like to participate in this event, please email me.
The next full moon is Friday, March 25th and it's called a "Worm Moon."
There's another wrinkle to this one. If any op works us from another
mountain top, you will receive a special activator certificate, Polar
Bear Number and be eligible to purchase a Polar Bear Baseball Cap.  This
is a unique cap and not many ops will have one of these. By wearing the
Polar Bear Cap, others will know you have braved the winter cold and
operated from a mountain top under a full moon! So if you plan to
operate as a Polar Bear from a mountain top, please email me and I will
add you to the list of Polar Bear Ops for the March Polar Bear Moonlight
Madness Event.

The name for the full moon in March is " Full Worm Moon."
The Full Worm Moon in March occurs on Friday, March 25th at 3:58pm. I
think I'll operate from Pulpit Rock that evening. I hope to "talk" to
the coyotes again. The rain date is Saturday, March 26th and there is no
snow date as we Polar Bears just love snow!

Full Worm - March Moon As the temperature begins to warm and the ground
begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the
robins. The more northern tribes knew this Moon as the Full Crow Moon,
when the cawing of crows signaled the end of winter; or the Full Crust
Moon, because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and
freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple
trees, is another variation. To the settlers, it was also known as the
Lenten Moon, and was considered to be the last full Moon of winter.

For additional information please go to:

Polar Bear # 1

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