Polar Bear Moonlight Madness!

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Polar Bear Moonlight Madness!


This is Ed, WA3WSJ Polar Bear #1. Here's a status report on the Polar
bear certificates for November. I have designed a new Polar Bear
Certificate. I will begin printing them out in a week or so. So if you
were an active Polar Bear in November or you bagged a bear, send your
log to me via email. To all who sent me your logs, I have them in the

Also, K5PAX won the Polar Bear Claw. I tried to have it engraved, but no
one wanted to engrave it. So I bought an engraving tip for my Dremel
Tool and I will try to engrave it myself - after much practice- hi!

As always, I will hand out a gift to the first operator who contacts
WA3WSJ. The December Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Event is scheduled for
December 17th and it's a Full Cold Moon. This month the gift again will
be an engraved replica of a polar bear claw. It's a nice looking claw
that you could put a chain through and wear on around your neck. It's
also is a great letter opener too. Image the looks on your friends face
when you tell them it's a polar bear claw! Just leave out the replica

Remember these questions:

1. What color is the hair of a polar bear? -----------Transparent

2. What color is the skin of a polar bear?------------Black

3. How does a polar bear stay so warm in the cold?----Hollow hair that
transfers heat to the skin and blubber. Hair- A dense, thick undercoat
of fur is protected by an outer coat of long guard hairs that stick
together when wet, forming a waterproof barrier to keep them dry. Even
though polar bears look white, their hair is really made of clear,
hollow tubes filled with air.

Blubber- Blubber helps insulate polar bears from the freezing air and
cold water, and acts as a nutritional reserve when food can't be found.
This blubber also helps the bears float in the water. It is 2 to 4
inches (5 to 10 centimeters) thick.

4. What is the technical name of the polar bear?------ Ursus maritimus,
which means 'Sea Bear' in the Greek language.

5. How long does a wild polar bear live?-------------- 25 to 30 years in
the wild, up to 45 years in zoos

6. How long do the cubs stay with mother?------------- ~ 2yrs.

7. How far away can a polar bear on ice smell a seal?- 20 miles

8. What is the average weight of a polar bear at birth?- ~ 1lb.

9. What two attributes are missing on a cub at birth?- Blind/hairless

10. Milk from a polar bear mother is what percent fat?- 35%

Hope to work many for our next Polar Bear Event in December.
Yes, the weather out there feels like Polar Bear Weather!

Polar Bear #1


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