Polar Bears -- Just the Facts! WA3WSJ

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Polar Bears -- Just the Facts! WA3WSJ

Edward R. Breneiser-2
I've spoken to several Polar Bear Ops and they're preparing for their
assent up to Pulpit Rock on Tuesday 2/22/2005.
The weather should be ok for this event and we are ready to give it our
all. Ron, WB3AAL and myself, WA3WSJ will hike two miles up through a
steep snow-covered ravine to the top of the mountain while the others
will drive up. All we need is you to make a contact with us!
Here are the Polar Bear Operators for the first EPA QRP Club Polar Bear
Moonlight Madness Event 2005. If you hear any of these calls, your about
to make  contact with a Polar Bear!



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Re: Polar Bears -- Just the Facts!


 Being one of the Polar Bear attacking the summit of Pulpit Rock on 22 Feb.
2005 for the "Moonlight Madness" excursion, I guess I should stat my

 I plan on hiking up the snow cover mountain around 19:30 UTC with snow
shoes in hand.

I will be using my K1 on 40 and 30 meters around the QRP frequencies of
7.040 and 10.106 +/- a few due to QRM. I will be on 20 meters around 14.060
with my Small Wonder SW-20+ mono-band rig. Unfortunately I will not be on 15
meters as stated in my pervious e-mail. I will be using the WA3WSJ's VBWFPA

I should be on the air around 21:00 UTC on 20 meters. I will be operating
from my tent to keep out of the wind. The temperature off the mountain will
be in the mid to upper 30's with winds of 5 to 10 MPH. This will give a wind
chill of 21' to 33'F. Remember that on top of the mountain is always colder.
So I can bet the temperature will be in the 20's with wind chill of 2' to
16'F. If you heard me on the air calling CQ and you send your call, please
be patience for my reply. The fingers do not work as fast as they do at room
temperature.  :-)

This will be my outing on the Appalachian Trail for February 2005. I am
presently at 408 QSO's from the AT. I will be trying to make as many QSO's
as possible. I will have a device to read the outside temp and I will let
you know how warm it really is up there in Polar Bear Land.  :-)

Hope to work you tomorrow.

72 and Thanks,
Ron Polityka

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Re: Polar Bears -- Just the Facts!


 I am leaving for the AT now at 19:00 UTC.

 I decided to take my K2 instead of the K1 and the SW-20+, this will be it's
last trip on the AT for the K2. I will have a mic and will do SSB if

I will try 15 meters first around 21:00 UTC, if no replies I will go to 20

Hope to work you from the Pulpit Rock.

72 and Thanks,
Ron Polityka

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