Portable solar power solution

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Portable solar power solution


I bought yesterday 2 solar flexible power panel form ICP Global
Technologies... 1 of 5W and 1 of 20W.... both give me 13.8V with 1.5 A
of power at full sun, but they are also very efficient on cloudy day.
These power panel was first developped for military uses.

See their web site...


I used the 2 external BNC connectors that I did not use for my
transverter, because I used the BNC connectors instead. One BNC for
positive (only the tip of the BNC not the shield) and the other BNC tip
connector as the negative side. They are connected on the + and -
batterie terminals inside the K2

When I am operating with the internal batterie KBT... (WARNING: must
not be used at the same time when operating with the external DC
connector of the K2 !!! ) I use a charge controller from ICP Global
Technologies, made for solar panel... Keep the power from the solar
panel at a maximum of 14.2V DC and at a minimum of 13V DC. Below 13V
the charger controller automatically stop feeding the batterie in the

A safe and smart way to continously charge the internal batterie when
you are on the road....

I have no photo for now, but a few are coming later this weeks....


Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999

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