Portable vertical antenna

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Portable vertical antenna

Ken Kirkley-3
Thanks to each who sent me a suggestion for a portable vertical antenna for use while camping. I now have several options to choose from.

God Bless,

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Re: Portable vertical antenna

Tom Arntzen
Hi Ken!
Another option is cheap an lightweight.
I tried this with my K1.

As ground i used 2 wires of 13 feet each and 50 feet as longwire direct to
the k1 .
I used bnc-UHF adapter and a bananastick in one end of the longwire.
The 6-8 feet nearest to the k1 was very little sensitive to nearby objects
so it could touch trees and simillare.
I worked with this setup very easy from my qth in North Norway down to
sentral europe and RI9KM in asia.
The antenna could be carried in your pocket and weights under 0,3Kg..
I think you can make this antenna for under $10.

73 de Tom LA1PHA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Kirkley" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 3:07 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Portable vertical antenna

Thanks to each who sent me a suggestion for a portable vertical antenna for
use while camping. I now have several options to choose from.

God Bless,

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