The lowest frequency that the K2 sidetone will go is 400 Hz. The default is
600 Hz, and yes, the frequency offset is automatically computed.
I believe the 'standard' of 750 Hz came about when designers were using the
filter and SSB BFO crystals for CW too (saved switching in another crystal).
I always thought that pitch was too high, but I had to endure it during my
Heathkit days - we had no choice.
----- Original Message -----
> Its it possible to change the CW pitch to 350hz with the K2?
> If it is possible, will it offset the xmit freq so your still zero
> beat? I'm trying to download the K2 manual but keep losing my web
> connection.
> The standard 750hz pitch freq on CW is too high for my old ears to
> copy comfortably. Frank W7IS
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