Julius, N2WN, wrote:
I was on a cruise to Alaska on the Princess Line 2
years ago. ... I did ask the captain of the ship and
permission was granted. My error was believing that
they would have required me to use ship's equipment.
They said I could use my own, but not the ships.
Even shipboard radio operators who have Ham licenses cannot operate the ship
equipment on the Ham bands. They can't even use the antenna. It's forbidden
since the radios are "life saving" equipment as defined under the SOLAS
(Safety of Life At Sea) regulations.
The seagoing hams I knew usually had a vertical strapped on top of the
"house" connected to their Ham transceiver sitting on a separate shelf in
the radio room -- Not much more of an installation than many "mobiles" or
small lots, but they worked like gangbusters with the FB ground (steel ship
sitting in salt water) and that fantastic salt water ground plane all around
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