I've had this KDSP2 board for a few months and it's worked fine. I noticed
a problem today when trying to change DSP settings. While in CW mode and
after hitting DISPLAY I don't see the usual "C2 nr". What I see is "SF .nr
55". I get this same display for SSB and RTTY modes too. Using RCL to cycle
through the menu items I get the following for each mode (CW, SSB, RTTY).
SF .nr 55
dSP On
nr 89 69
Cn G 0.0
CF G 0.0
SF .nr 55
dSP On
nr 89 69
nt 40 07
Sn G 7.0
SF G 0.0
dSP On
rF G 0.0
I can increase and decrease the gain values. I can turn on and off DSP. I
can change the nr 89 69 values but there is no blinking decimal point before
either number. If I use STORE I can modify either the 89 or 69 value as
usual. When the SF .nr 55 display is shown, BAND+ and - have no effect. If
I hit STORE the .nr changes to .n1 for a second and then goes back to .nr.
The AFIL function seems to be normal, cycling through the four filters for
each mode.
Also, ONLY while in the DSP menu, some of the characters, usually just one
at a time, blink off and back on for about 1 second. This seems to happen
about every five seconds. I've tried unplugging both DSP boards and
reinstalling them with no change.
Also yesterday I built and installed the K60XV board. It seems to be
working perfectly as well as all other functions of the radio. This morning
I also did a CAL FIL because I noticed one of the CW filters was off a
So, I don't know if the bus is getting loaded down or if the DSP board is in
a "funny state" or what??
Roger, W1EM
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