Production delays, Cabin Fever, End of Year

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Production delays, Cabin Fever, End of Year


I am primarily a listener on this list. I have a K2/100 which I
ignominiously bought on ebay from a good guy four counties over.

Am also an engineer who runs a small company. Recently we shipped some
gear to a place where things are pretty rough.

Part of a system that helps keep people safe. Getting this gear out was
even more important to me than ham radio.

No sarcasm, HR is an integral part of my life, even when I have little
time for it. Probably the same for some others on this list.

While getting this system out the door, we ran into several vendor
related issues. Some were delivery related, another was an

undocumented failure mode in a critical component. It turned out that
undervoltage was worse than overvoltage. Then the contract

 manufacturer who was doing the first small pilot run melted down
because the owner had an emotional event. The BOM for this

gear is much shorter than for a K3.

Getting electronics built in the USA is a bit harder than it used to be.
You also don't rework SMT with a bench iron, some dikes,

 and a pair of needlenose.

End of the year is a festive and/or pensive time for many people and
cultures.  Sometimes it can be tension-inducing. I am not an Elecraft

I read the list when I can. There is a spectrum of expectation, concern,
joy, and personal and commercial concerns that have been voiced.

My K2/100 is a cool radio, as most of the list already knows and I can
fix it with hand tools. Notwithstanding, there are many delays discussed

My personal read is that Elecraft wanted to "make Dayton" and did, but
that going into production took longer than expected.

As a DL said awhile back (Thomas?): Engineers are always trying to make
something perfect. It takes longer than they thought when they almost
do. (my paraphrased remembrance).

While I understand the disappointment of not having something one had
expected to play with during a vacation, or contest, etc, I also believe
that Elecraft is moving as fast as possible.

I am not generating excuses, just some commentary. Both of the guys who
anchor Elecraft could make a lot more money doing work over the hill
from Santa Cruz.

I know the radios are real because I saw SN66 being assembled here near
Boston in late October. I hope to order one when my QRQ CW improves.

73 es Happy Holidays es Switch in a Beverage,

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