Proper Use of the Preamp

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Proper Use of the Preamp

Steven Pituch
Hi all,

I have K2 #402, and am planning to upgrade it someday.  But I was using it
last night during the QRP-L fox hunt, and in its present state this K2 seems
to be quite exceptional listening to weak signals (or static) on 40 meters.

For most of the time, when I had actually located both of the foxes, they
were in the noise most of these times.  I finally got both by waiting until
propagation got momentarily marginally better.  My strategy was that I
figured that propagation would either get better (50% chance) or worse (50%
chance) and it was no use transmitting until I could copy most of what the
fox was sending.  Why send when you can't hear the fox give your call sign
back?(HINT!!). Anyway since I was using all the performance my K2 could give
me listening to mostly static, I tried putting the preamp off.  It is
usually on all the time.  What I found was that I seemed to hear the fox
better over the static with the preamp off, but the volume was too low.
With the preamp "on" I had plenty of excess audio volume, but with the
preamp off I didn't have enough volume I felt necessary.

With the preamp "on" I also tried putting the af volume on full and then
reducing the rf gain slightly.  This actually helped but I sensed that using
the rig with the preamp off and having a little extra volume would be
significantly better.

So I wonder if I need more af gain in the rig or maybe a little amp on the
way to the headphones.  Or maybe I am imagining things and somebody with
more experience can set me straight.

Steve, W2MY/5

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RE: Proper Use of the Preamp

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
Unless you are using a very tiny, inefficient antenna (like a small loop or
very short whip) on 40 meters, there's no reason at all to use the preamp,

The purpose of the preamp is to improve the noise figure on the
higher-frequency bands, not to make the receiver louder. It does that, of
course, but that's a secondary benefit. The issue is that the 'atmospheric'
or 'background' noise on the higher bands - usually above 15 MHz - can be so
low the internal noise in the K2 receiver could mask signals. The easiest
way to tell if that's true is to turn the preamp OFF, tune you K2 to an
empty frequency so all you hear is noise, set the IF filter for the
narrowest bandwidth you might use, and disconnect your antenna. If then
background noise level drops when you disconnect the antenna, you do *not*
need the preamp. The sensitivity of the K2 is entirely limited by the
background noise.

You need to use the narrowest bandwidth because the noise the receiver picks
up is less the narrower the bandwidth. That's exactly why for a given power
a CW signal will be stronger at the receiver end than an SSB signal,
everything else being equal. The SSB signal needs a wider receive bandwidth
so the receiver picks up more noise along with the signal.

Your comments about low audio suggest another problem. The K2 is designed to
minimize current drain because many of them are used with internal
batteries. The designers included a relatively low current audio output
I.C., but it should have enough output to "rattle" the phones or speakers on
any band without the preamp!

If both the speaker and phones are anemic, check your AGC action. Some K2's
have overly aggressive AGC action that causes the AGC to limit the maximum
volume. Look under "Builder's Resources" on or on Sverre's
excellent site at for more info about testing your
AGC action.

IF the speaker is plenty loud (none of them are loud enough to use in a
noisy vehicle, but they are loud enough to be objectionable to most ops in a
room on outdoors in a park, etc.) but the phones is weak, try a different
set of phones. The K2 is designed for use with typical "computer phones" or
"walkman phones". They have a higher impedance (about 30 ohms I think) than
the typical "hi fi" headphones. There are some resistors you can remove to
improve the gain for lower-impedance "hi-fi" phones. That mod is also
described on the above sites.

You spoke of finding the copy of weak signals better by turning down the RF
gain. A great many of us ... Er.... "older tymers" spent the first years or
decades at a radio never using the AF gain. We controlled the output using
the RF gain control. CW receivers didn't use AGC then either. The reason is
what you found. Signals often seem to stand out better if the gain is
controlled by the RF instead of the Audio gain.

The K2 receiver is excellent, and the differences between using the audio
gain (and AGC) and the RF gain are slight. Still, many of us prefer to use
the RF gain on CW especially. Note that on the K2 there really is *no* "RF
Gain" control as the term is used on older receivers. Originally, the RF
gain meant a gain control that adjusted the gain of the first RF amplifier
at the antenna input in the receiver. Since the K2 doesn't use such an
amplifier (unless you turn the preamp ON), it adjusts the gain of the IF
amplifier and calls that the RF gain control. But the effect is still much
the same. Many of us like the "clean" sound we get when digging for a weak
signal that way.

One thing it does is that using the RF gain effectively disables the AGC.
The AGC will tend to "fill in" the gaps in the CW signal by turning up the
gain during breaks in the transmission. This tends to make the noise sound
as loud as the signal when it really is not that loud. That is especially
true if you are using FAST AGC action instead of SLOW. The SLOW action
delays the 'pumping' action of the gain so as long as the CW station keeps
sending the noise level stays down. Still, it's nice to forget the fancy AGC
and do it "by hand" with the RF gain control for many ops.

It sounds  like the first step for you is to find  out why you can't get
enough audio without the preamp, then you can explore all the reasons to
ignore the preamp and AF gain for most CW operating <G>.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Steven Pituch
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 1:17 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Proper Use of the Preamp

Hi all,

I have K2 #402, and am planning to upgrade it someday.  But I was using it
last night during the QRP-L fox hunt, and in its present state this K2 seems
to be quite exceptional listening to weak signals (or static) on 40 meters.

For most of the time, when I had actually located both of the foxes, they
were in the noise most of these times.  I finally got both by waiting until
propagation got momentarily marginally better.  My strategy was that I
figured that propagation would either get better (50% chance) or worse (50%
chance) and it was no use transmitting until I could copy most of what the
fox was sending.  Why send when you can't hear the fox give your call sign
back?(HINT!!). Anyway since I was using all the performance my K2 could give
me listening to mostly static, I tried putting the preamp off.  It is
usually on all the time.  What I found was that I seemed to hear the fox
better over the static with the preamp off, but the volume was too low. With
the preamp "on" I had plenty of excess audio volume, but with the preamp off
I didn't have enough volume I felt necessary.

With the preamp "on" I also tried putting the af volume on full and then
reducing the rf gain slightly.  This actually helped but I sensed that using
the rig with the preamp off and having a little extra volume would be
significantly better.

So I wonder if I need more af gain in the rig or maybe a little amp on the
way to the headphones.  Or maybe I am imagining things and somebody with
more experience can set me straight.

Steve, W2MY/5

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RE: Proper Use of the Preamp

Steven Pituch

Thanks for the suggestions about my lack of sufficient audio with my K2,
something I never really noticed until last night.  One thing that rang a
bell after reading everyone's input was that last night I also played around
with the AGC controls and did not notice anything different with any
setting.  I have not experienced any pumping or increase in volume by say
turning the AGC off.  The rig has worked so well so far that perhaps I have
not ever noticed that maybe the AGC hasn't ever worked.  So I will check the
AGC.  I would think that the Elecraft team would have designed a "kick ass"
kind of AGC, like many of the other quality designed parts of the radio.

By the way my favorite head phones are my older Heil phones with mike which
I have been using with the K2.

To think that this radio easily beats my TS850, and that maybe I can fix
something to make the K2 even better!

Thanks again,
Steve, W2MY/5

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RE: Proper Use of the Preamp

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
The AGC (if working correctly) and the dynamic range of that receiver is
excellent. The great dynamic range is why you can get away with stuffing all
those extra microvolts into the front end with the preamp ON without causing
other problems.

The AGC is typical of most rigs I've seen in recent years. It has good delay
characteristics, but it is not a "hang" type AGC that picks an average level
and stays there for a certain amount of time after the signal stops before a
timer suddenly returns to volume to full level. I guess a lot of ops didn't
like hang agc because if you were listening to a real strong signal with the
audio up high, when the hang time expired it sounded like someone kicked on
the biggest, baddest noise source in town!

It was well in to the production of the K2 that it was discovered that minor
in-tolerance variations in parts can, in some rigs, add up to an
over-aggressive AGC action.

Another major feature of the Elecraft rigs is that when something like that
is discovered, they figure out a fix that can be retro-fitted to all K2's
instead of saying "Too bad, so sad. Sell it to someone and buy our new,
improved (and more expensive) model next year..."


-----Original Message-----


Thanks for the suggestions about my lack of sufficient audio with my K2,
something I never really noticed until last night.  One thing that rang a
bell after reading everyone's input was that last night I also played around
with the AGC controls and did not notice anything different with any
setting.  I have not experienced any pumping or increase in volume by say
turning the AGC off.  The rig has worked so well so far that perhaps I have
not ever noticed that maybe the AGC hasn't ever worked.  So I will check the
AGC.  I would think that the Elecraft team would have designed a "kick ass"
kind of AGC, like many of the other quality designed parts of the radio.

By the way my favorite head phones are my older Heil phones with mike which
I have been using with the K2.

To think that this radio easily beats my TS850, and that maybe I can fix
something to make the K2 even better!

Thanks again,
Steve, W2MY/5

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