Proud Papa of new K2

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Proud Papa of new K2

Tom Althoff's an adopted K2 but I'll love it as if it was made with my own two hands.   Ser #1117 inherited via E-Bay.   The stork has not delivered it yet but we are preparing a nice room for it in the basement of our home.

It probably could use an internal battery option to make it "perfect" and maybe an AtoB upgrade but its ours to call our very own.

Have a cigar it's a K2!  Bartender...The drinks are on me!

73 de Tom K2TA
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Re: Proud Papa of new K2

Congratulations Tom!

That K2 will make you real proud!  I have one of the early models myself --
# 467, and I have had great fun adding the options and mods as they became
available over the past five years.

Good luck and keep us posted...

Ned, W2NED

k2 - 467
KX1 - 368

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Re: Proud Papa of new K2

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Tom Althoff

Congratulations on your new purchase.

If it is like many other pre-owned K2s, it could stand a good filter
alignment.  And that also gives you the opportunity to set the filters the
way you would like rather than someone else's choices (or the defaults).
Check out the K2 dial calibration article on my website
for detailed info on setting not only the dial calibration, but the
filter/BFO relationships as well.  You will not be sorry when you have
completed it.

Yes, in addition to the A to B mods (do the optional ones too), adding the
strong signal handling diodes, and the keying waveshape mod (along with the
firmware upgrades) will produce a K2 that is equal to the current
production.  You may want to change the filter crystals too while you are
doing the upgrades - unless it has already been fitted with the newer
crystals.  Do it all while you are at it - just my opinion.


----- Original Message -----'s an adopted K2 but I'll love it as if it was made with my own two
hands.   Ser #1117 inherited via E-Bay.   The stork has not delivered it yet
but we are preparing a nice room for it in the basement of our home.

It probably could use an internal battery option to make it "perfect" and
maybe an AtoB upgrade but its ours to call our very own.

Have a cigar it's a K2!  Bartender...The drinks are on me!

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Tuning indicator problem

Hi Guys,
I put my tuning indicator kit together this weekend that Tom N0SS was
selling. Tom you did an outstanding job packaging the kit. I soldered the
SMD components on the board per the PDF file that Tom provided on his web
site. My tuning indicator does not work. I have 5 volts on pins 1 and 8 on
the FSK chip. I have tripled cheked all the connections and the components
on the circuit board. Every thing looks good with my high power magnifying
glass. I am using 500 hz side tone. When I turn the trim pot on the SMD
board clockwise or counter clockwis the 10th LED does not light up. I have
turned it more than 5 turns both directions. I have the K2 tuned to the
birdie at 4.0000 on the 80 meter band.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for further trouble shooting?
Glenn WA7SPY

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Re: Tuning indicator problem

Tom Hammond-3
Hi Glenn:

>I put my tuning indicator kit together this weekend that Tom N0SS was
>selling. Tom you did an outstanding job packaging the kit. I soldered the
>SMD components on the board per the PDF file that Tom provided on his web
>site. My tuning indicator does not work. I have 5 volts on pins 1 and 8 on
>the FSK chip. I have tripled cheked all the connections and the components
>on the circuit board. Every thing looks good with my high power magnifying
>glass. I am using 500 hz side tone. When I turn the trim pot on the SMD
>board clockwise or counter clockwis the 10th LED does not light up. I have
>turned it more than 5 turns both directions. I have the K2 tuned to the
>birdie at 4.0000 on the 80 meter band.
>Can anyone point me in the right direction for further trouble shooting?

Did the illustration of the installation look IDENTICAL to what you saw on
your PC board? The Rev A boards are just slightly different, though that
should NOT be a significant problem. If you have an older K2, take a look
(on my web site) at my pics of the successful installation on my K2. It's
one of the oldest K2s you'll find and it will match the Rev A PC boards as
well as the Rev XC (Field test) boards.

If you strike out, send me the board and I'll try to help you out.

It won't align using the sidetone!!! since the sidetone's NOT run thru the
AF GAIN control. You MUST use the received signal.

It may be a problem of the present tuning range of the PLL being just a bit
too high. Try setting the received signal to about 600 Hz and see if you
can get an indication. If you do, then try 550 Hz, etc. We may have to
change a component value to get it to track down to 500 Hz, though I'd have
thought it'd have gone there with no problem... maybe slight component
value variations..

Please keep me informed.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: Tuning indicator problem

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by WA7SPY

As a quick check on your wiring for the LED indicator, short pin 5 of the
output connector to ground (pin 4) and you should see the LED turn on.  A
short at this point will not damage the IC - because it is an open collector


----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Maclean" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:40 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Tuning indicator problem

> Hi Guys,
> I put my tuning indicator kit together this weekend that Tom N0SS was
> selling. Tom you did an outstanding job packaging the kit. I soldered the
> SMD components on the board per the PDF file that Tom provided on his web
> site. My tuning indicator does not work. I have 5 volts on pins 1 and 8 on
> the FSK chip. I have tripled cheked all the connections and the components
> on the circuit board. Every thing looks good with my high power magnifying
> glass. I am using 500 hz side tone. When I turn the trim pot on the SMD
> board clockwise or counter clockwis the 10th LED does not light up. I have
> turned it more than 5 turns both directions. I have the K2 tuned to the
> birdie at 4.0000 on the 80 meter band.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction for further trouble shooting?
> Thanks,
> Glenn WA7SPY
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Re: Tuning indicator problem

Hi Don,
Shorting pin 5 to 4 turns on the 10th LED. I guess my wiring to the front
panel board is good.

Glenn WA7SPY
----- Original Message -----
From: "W3FPR - Don Wilhelm" <[hidden email]>
To: "Glenn Maclean" <[hidden email]>; <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Tuning indicator problem

> Glenn,
> As a quick check on your wiring for the LED indicator, short pin 5 of the
> output connector to ground (pin 4) and you should see the LED turn on.  A
> short at this point will not damage the IC - because it is an open
> collector output.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glenn Maclean" <[hidden email]>
> To: <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:40 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] Tuning indicator problem
>> Hi Guys,
>> I put my tuning indicator kit together this weekend that Tom N0SS was
>> selling. Tom you did an outstanding job packaging the kit. I soldered the
>> SMD components on the board per the PDF file that Tom provided on his web
>> site. My tuning indicator does not work. I have 5 volts on pins 1 and 8
>> on the FSK chip. I have tripled cheked all the connections and the
>> components on the circuit board. Every thing looks good with my high
>> power magnifying glass. I am using 500 hz side tone. When I turn the trim
>> pot on the SMD board clockwise or counter clockwis the 10th LED does not
>> light up. I have turned it more than 5 turns both directions. I have the
>> K2 tuned to the birdie at 4.0000 on the 80 meter band.
>> Can anyone point me in the right direction for further trouble shooting?
>> Thanks,
>> Glenn WA7SPY
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