Q about XV60 pre-installation in K2 #3121

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Q about XV60 pre-installation in K2 #3121

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
I'm at the module pre-installation step of my K2 and am confused by the
pre-installation instructions for the XV60.

It looks like some of the parts have been re-numbered, and I can't
figure out what steps of the XV60 manual to perform.

I have read the D and F K2 manuals and the XV60 manual, and its errata,
and searched the mailing list.

Here are the three questions, in increasing order of my confusion:

1. Both the Rev D manual for my K2(p.68) and the Rev F manual (p.62) say
the same thing:
[] Do not remove W1.

There are no occurrences of "W1" in the XV60 Rev A manual.  On p.7 of
the XV60 manual under "K2 RF Board Preparation", it says to remove W6.  
I'm assuming W6 is the correct jumper not to remove. "Yes, we have no
bananas." (I.e., this just made me cautious.)

2. Both the Rev D manual for my K2(p.68) and the Rev F manual (p.62)
[] Complete the steps for J14 through C13 and C14.

The XV60 manual mentions J14 as part of the transverter installation,
but I don't see any specific steps about putting in J14 on the RF board,
so it must be RF-J13.  There is an RF-J13 8-pin connector in the XV60
that it says to install on the RF board.  So I guess it is really J13 I
should install.  That is not too hard.

3. But I haven't identified C13 and C14 yet so I'm not sure what this
means.  The
only capacitor for on the RF board is RF-C71 and it is a replacement,
not an
installation, and seems an unlikely candidate for pre-installation.  
Then there are the two varactors RF-D19 and RF-D20.  Which of
these 3 components should I install/replace now?
Any ideas or experience?

Leigh WA5ZNU.
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Q about XV60 pre-installation in K2 #3121

Don Brown-4
It looks like you have the K160RX manual and the K60XV manual mixed up. C13, C14 and W1 have to do with the K160RX not the K60XV. I assume you are installing the 60 meter/transverter option. In that case you will remove W6 and install J13 and J15. You will change C71 to 120 pf and add the two varactor diodes D19 and D20. Finally you will prepare and install a coax jumper from the RFDET  to one of the pins on J13
Don Brown
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 2:24 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Q about XV60 pre-installation in K2 #3121

I'm at the module pre-installation step of my K2 and am confused by the
pre-installation instructions for the XV60.

It looks like some of the parts have been re-numbered, and I can't
figure out what steps of the XV60 manual to perform.

I have read the D and F K2 manuals and the XV60 manual, and its errata,
and searched the mailing list.

Here are the three questions, in increasing order of my confusion:

1. Both the Rev D manual for my K2(p.68) and the Rev F manual (p.62) say
the same thing:
[] Do not remove W1.

There are no occurrences of "W1" in the XV60 Rev A manual.  On p.7 of
the XV60 manual under "K2 RF Board Preparation", it says to remove W6. 
I'm assuming W6 is the correct jumper not to remove. "Yes, we have no
bananas." (I.e., this just made me cautious.)

2. Both the Rev D manual for my K2(p.68) and the Rev F manual (p.62)
[] Complete the steps for J14 through C13 and C14.

The XV60 manual mentions J14 as part of the transverter installation,
but I don't see any specific steps about putting in J14 on the RF board,
so it must be RF-J13.  There is an RF-J13 8-pin connector in the XV60
that it says to install on the RF board.  So I guess it is really J13 I
should install.  That is not too hard.

3. But I haven't identified C13 and C14 yet so I'm not sure what this
means.  The
only capacitor for on the RF board is RF-C71 and it is a replacement,
not an
installation, and seems an unlikely candidate for pre-installation. 
Then there are the two varactors RF-D19 and RF-D20.  Which of
these 3 components should I install/replace now?
Any ideas or experience?

Leigh WA5ZNU.
Elecraft mailing list
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You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: Q about XV60 pre-installation in K2 #3121

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU

I was looking for your references in my K2 rev F manual and found some of
the phrases you refer to on page 71.  All the steps you refer to are under
the pre-installation of the K160RX option (for the 160 meter band and RX

If you look near the top of the second column of that same page, you will
see a bold information note stating "Do not attempt to pre-install parts
supplied with the K60XV option.  The K2 must be completed and tested first."


----- Original Message -----

> I'm at the module pre-installation step of my K2 and am confused by the
> pre-installation instructions for the XV60.
> It looks like some of the parts have been re-numbered, and I can't figure
> out what steps of the XV60 manual to perform.
> I have read the D and F K2 manuals and the XV60 manual, and its errata,
> and searched the mailing list.
> Here are the three questions, in increasing order of my confusion:
> ...snip...