Since only a consecutive six hours of this twelve hour event will count,
and there will be a limited number of participants,
I would encourage everyone to get on for the same six hours. I'm going
to make my best guess and plan to operate from
1800Z - 2400Z (2PM - 8PM EDST) hoping that the majority of participants
will be on somewhere in that time period.
Too much going on following all the hurricane scares, so my "Afield"
will be the patio for the operating position and the
back yard home to my portable FD vertical. The "big" antennas are still
on the ground until the Caribbean calms down...
Station will be my K2 and 486 notebook powered by a marine battery.
Antenna will be a 4BTV grount mounted.
Hope to work many QRPers, either portable or at home.
73, Bob Patten, N4BP Plantation, FL
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