QRP'ers - Work WAS This Weekend

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QRP'ers - Work WAS This Weekend

Art - W6KY
This weekend is a great weekend to work all states.
The ARRL Sweepstakes starts Saturday at 2100 UTC.
The exchange is:
 Serial No. + Precedence (Q/A/B/U/M/S) + [your call sign] + Check (year
of 1st license) + ARRL/RAC Section
Example:   0349 Q W6KY 58 SDGO
There will be thousands of stations competing in all states with
'good' ears to hear those QRP signals. Sunday gets real easy
with lots of stations calling CQ with few answers. Answer with
5 watts or less...
Go to  ARRL<dot>ORG  for all the rules..
Have fun,  73,  Art   W6KY  K1-2  K1-4

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