kg5n/w0rw - Location 3 Miles south of Divide, CO, 9500 feet elevation, Wx 70F,
Very nice, Aspen trees turning yellow, some of the hiking paths were covered
with yellow gold leaves just like the Yellow Brick Road in the Wizard of Oz.
kg5n, Nick, Running solar powered home made Sierra, 2W to dipole in tree.
20 meters was the best band, 54 Q's CW and a few on SSB.
w0rw, Paul, Running KX1 Afoot (Pedestrian Mobile out hiking), 3W on 20
meters, 26 Q's on CW, Using 8 foot whip in rear pocket. Stopped by every Forest
Ranger to
investigate suspicious activities. i made about 3 miles before lunch.
Worked w3ff right away, his 250 mW station was 5NN all day.
Worked Tom KC5UN from the top of Grouse Mountain and Bonnie KQ6XA on CW.
After lunch i switched to SSB on 14342.5, Made 19 contacts using PRC-319
backpack radio using an 8 foot whip and a 15 foot drag wire for a ground.
Bonnie KQ6XA/pm was very strong, K6FVV/m Howard was too, Mike K9JRL checked
in. i tripped on the ground wire a few times and had to re-connect it
We had a great time out in the field, hope you did too..
Pictures and QSL cards are available on request...
Paul w0rw
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