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John Harper AE5X
I'm just now back in OKC and had a great time during TTF. It was an
educational experience and I have a list of "what not to do next times" as
long as your arm. The KX1 performed admirably but I have mixed feelings
about my antenna - weak reports from some stations who I copied 579 yet I
was called by LZ4UU. I also bit off more than I could chew regarding the
number of planned activities I had for this weekend: camping, the TTF and
photography. As a result, I didn't do any of them well.

I will hold off updating my website for now since I am here on business in
OKC and my laptop is too archaic to play/edit a couple video clips I made of
the *numerous* buffalo (and lots of calves) that came too close for comfort
(all was well - they were just peacefully passing through)! So when I get
back to New York in mid-May, I'll check them out myself & see if they are
website-worthy. Also, I may go camping somewhere else in the state next
weekend since I have all my stuff and do some QRPing  - if so, I'll combine
that with the QRPTTF report on the same page.

Thanks, to the ops who dug me out of the amalgam. I was tent-bound for each
and every contact waiting for the rain that never came. Let's all do it
again next year!


John AE5X
Portable QRP: http://www.ae5x.com

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