As some of you might have heard, the Expanded Test Result
Reports that supplement QST Product Reviews of HF transceivers
have had to be mostly eliminated. Basically, the ARRL Lab's
plate is very full of critical tasks, and that includes my
Now, I'm probably the biggest proponent of expanded test result
reports for transceivers featured in QST's Product Review
column. As the ARRL's Test Engineer, I can't help but be
interested in the nitty-gritty of a rig's performance. As
such I would like to continue doing the reports as often as
in the past, and I need some feedback from readers in order
to make that happen.
It seems to me that what most folks are interested in is
perhaps a small subset of the typical 30+ pages of data that
we have published in past reports. For example, I've often
wondered how many people really want to know the precise
variation in transmitter output power (both maximum and
minimum) on every single band. In contrast, the swept
receiver dynamic range graphs are probably among the most
popular features.
Please take a moment to look over the table of contents
of reports you have read and rate each test on a 1-5 scale
(5 being highest), then directly email me with your
preferences (I won't be discussing this on the lists, so
don't expect a reply to postings).
73, Michael Tracy, KC1SX, ARRL Test Engineer
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